Thursday, March 20, 2014

Golf Course Opening

As of Thursday, March 20th all 18 holes are open for play. While all 18 holes are available to play the golf course is not yet fully cleaned and restored from the winter to typical CCNB conditions. The process of cleaning and repairing areas of the golf course from the winter has begun but please be patient as our small, skeleton crew at the Turf Care Center does their best to return the golf course to the conditions we all expect.

A few quick notes.. 

Bunkers - To be perfectly blunt, the bunkers are a mess. They are full of leaves, and some still have snow in them. Many are washed out from rain storms and snow melt over the winter. We have yet to begin the process of cleaning out the bunkers, repairing them, and raking them. We will begin this process sometime next week as weather allows (we are hoping it doesn't snow!). This is a very labor intensive process and could take up to a week or so to complete with a moderate sized crew. Please be patient with us as we do our best to clean up the bunkers.

Removing Goose Excrement
Goose Excrement - Yes, its gross. In fact, I don't ever recall seeing this much goose excrement on the fairways and in the roughs. The good news is the geese don't like to be bothered and now that we are on the golf course working daily and golfers are playing the course daily the geese will leave for the season. The bad news is that we are left with a huge mess to deal with. The greens and tees have been blown off but cleaning the fairways, where the majority of the excrement remains, is a bit more labor intensive. To un-stick the excrement from the turf we have been dragging a metal mat with a golf cart over the turf and then blowing the excrement into the rough. As soon as the we start to mow the rough the mowers will mulch the excrement in the rough and we will be done with dealing with goose excrement for the season. This process is very effective but also very time consuming. Many fairways have already been cleaned but please be patient as we clean the remaining fairways. We hope to have this process completed by the end of next week. For now, we suggest wearing an old pair of shoes :-)

Golf Carts  - Barring any unforeseen weather changes we hope to allow golf cart usage by the end of next week. Please be aware of and obey any cart signs and keep all carts (including pull carts) out of any roped off areas and away from the greens.

Sticks and Tree Limbs - There are still quite a few sticks and tree limbs on the golf course from winter storms. We are in the process of cleaning them up. Please be patient with us as our small crew does their best to clean them up as quickly as possible.

A few spring projects to keep an eye out for - This spring there will be a few small projects that we will be attempting to complete. We hope to remove the crushed stone dust adjacent to many of the cart paths and replace it with turf. Also, tree pruning will continue around the forward tees on #2 and on the left of the 4th fairway. I'll post pictures and updates on the blog as we begin these projects.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Frost Damage

What happens when golfers do not observe course closings?

Or when equally hard to control deer also do not observe course closings :-)